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CCNA interview questions

What is the difference between OSPF and RIP?
what is Connection oriented and Connectionless
Inteview CCNA Question OSPF
Latest CCNA Interview question Part 10
RIP and RIPv2 Difference

What is the difference between OSPF and RIP?

RIP and OSPF are both routing protocols likely you have used without even knowing it. A routing protocol describes the way your data (or signals) get from your PC on a network to another PC or device on the network.

RIP = Hop count Algorithm

The only metric used to calculate the cost of a path (path is from point A to destination B) is the hop count from router A to router B, even if you have a path with more hops and more bandwidth available.

OSPF = Link State Algorithm

This is a more intelligent algorithm, tha build a topology of network and build the cost regarding some characteristics of path like bandwidth, load, reliability, etc.A real life example would be like when work is done and its time to drive home. You have multiple routes usually to choose from to get home. The shortest way home would obviously be a straight line from work to home. Unfortunately no magic road exists from where ever you are directly to where ever you need to go. So if you were using RIP to get home you would drive in a straight line (or take the roads that would more or less offer you a straight route home). Thing is, these roads may be BUSY, very busy in fact, you can sit in traffic for a half hour moving less than 1km sometimes. So technically the shortest way (straight line) may not be the most efficient way. Now if you were using OSPF, you would take into account traffic and other variables to decide how to get home. The quickest route home may not be the direct path, it may be a back road that has less traffic on it, through a sub division, and then to your house. However because you were using OSPF you got home quicker than if you were to use RIP as RIP didn’t really look at what the traffic was like. Now in the above paragraph turn the word “work” into “client” and the word “home” into “server” and replace the word “you” with “the packet” – magically we turn the above paragraph into tecnobabble


what is Connection oriented and Connectionless

Difference Between Connection oriented vs Connection less 

Connection-oriented means that a connection (a virtual link) must be established before data can be exchanged. This can guarantee that data will arrive, and in the same order it was sent. It guarantees delivery by sending acknowledgements back to the source when messages are received.


TCP is an example of an connection-oriented transport protocol.

A common example of connection-oriented communication is a telephone call: you call, the ‘destination’ picks up the phone and acknowledges and you start talking (sending data). When a message or a piece of it doesn’t arrive, you say: “What!?” and the sender will retransmit the data.

Connectionless is the opposite of connection-oriented; the sender does not establish a connection before it sends data, it just sends without guaranteeing delivery.


UDP is an example of an connectionless transport protocol.

Application Layers

Host A————————————Host B

Application layer——-data————Application layer

Presentation layer—–data————Presentation layer

Session layer———–data————Session layer

Transport layer—–segments——–Transport layer

Network layer   ——packets———-Network layer

Data-link layer——-frames———–Data-link layer

Physical layer———–bits————-Physical layer


Inteview CCNA Question OSPF

111- What is name of OSPF Algo?

Dijecstra or SPF (shortest part first)

112 – What is default size of Hello packets in OSPF?

50 bytes

113- What is default time of hello packets in OSPF?

10 sec

114- How many tables are in OSPF protocol?


1-     Neighbor

2-     Topology

3-     Routing

115- When OSPF protocol advertise its routing table?

When it discover neighbor with the help of hello packets

116- Which table find best path?

Routing table

117- Which updates called incremental updates?

Change based

118- What are partial updates?

Any change in network

119 – After how long OSPF exchange its topology table?

After 30 min

120 – What is refresher?

Every 30 min of topology table exchange time called refresher OR

Exchange time of topology table in OSPF protocol called refresher

122- What s the formula for metric of OSPF?


CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Latest CCNA Interview question Part 10

101- On which base distance vector choose best path?

HOPE count

102-What is the name of distance vector algorithm?


103- Why we use filter option?

When we specifically block, one router update for other routers

104- What is load balancing?

When data divide in different paths

105- How many maximum paths you can give on Latest IOS in RIP?

0 to 15

106- Define Class full Protocol?

Which protocols advertise their networks without subnet mask.

107- How many hope count Rip or Rip2 can send updates?

15 hope count

108- What is Trigger RiP and from which IOS version it starts?

As link down it removes from its routing table  – Version = 12.4

109- Which protocols do periodically updates?

Distance vector

110- What is the difference between simple authentication and MD5?

MD5 encrypted form and simple authentication  in clear text form

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

RIP and RIPv2 Difference

96- What is protocol?

Set of rules

97- What is difference between RIP and RIPv2


  1. Broadcast
  2. No authentication
  3. Support FLSM


  1. Multicast
  2. Authentication
  3. Support VLSM

98- Which protocols are link states?


99- Which Dynamic Type draw back is, if single link down, it removes its routing table.

Distance Vector

100- What is matric?

Formula of path selection

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

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