Tag - Default Size

Inteview CCNA Question OSPF
Interview Question of CCNA part 3

Inteview CCNA Question OSPF

111- What is name of OSPF Algo?

Dijecstra or SPF (shortest part first)

112 – What is default size of Hello packets in OSPF?

50 bytes

113- What is default time of hello packets in OSPF?

10 sec

114- How many tables are in OSPF protocol?


1-     Neighbor

2-     Topology

3-     Routing

115- When OSPF protocol advertise its routing table?

When it discover neighbor with the help of hello packets

116- Which table find best path?

Routing table

117- Which updates called incremental updates?

Change based

118- What are partial updates?

Any change in network

119 – After how long OSPF exchange its topology table?

After 30 min

120 – What is refresher?

Every 30 min of topology table exchange time called refresher OR

Exchange time of topology table in OSPF protocol called refresher

122- What s the formula for metric of OSPF?


CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Interview Question of CCNA part 3

21- What is OSI?

Open System Interconnection. t was first name of 7 Layer

22- What is the default size of Frame ?
1518 bytes

23- Which layer are called upper layer?
a )
Application Layer    – 7
b) Presentation Layer   – 6
c ) Session Layer            – 5

24- How many reserve ports ?
0 – 1023

25- Which decision called socket base?
IP plus port (IP on layer 3 and port on Layer 4 – In Encapsulation, socket base decision on Network Layer -Layer 3)

26- How many types of Data?
Voice, video, text

27 What is segmentation and fragmentation?

To divide data in pieces is called segmentation and divide segmentation in pieces called Fragmentation.

28- Which layer called error detection layer ?
Data link layer

29- What is FCS?
Frame Check Sequence –
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm runs in switch that called FCS (Frame Check Sequence)

30- What is Encapsulation and De-encapsulation?
To send data called encapsulation and receive data called De-encapsulation.

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

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