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CCNA – OSPF Questions
Short Question CCNA part 8
Short Question CCNA Part 7
Short Question CCNA IP
Short Question CCNA EIGRP

CCNA – OSPF Questions

Question 1:

Which of the following statements below best describe the process identifier that is used to run OSPF on a router? (Choose two)

A – It is an optional parameter required only if multiple OSPF processes are running on the router
B – It is locally significant
C – It is needed to identify a unique instance of an OSPF database
D – All routers in the same OSPF area must have the same process ID if they are to exchange routing information

Answer: B C

Question 3:

Which items are correct about the routing protocol OSPF? (Choose three)

A – Support VLSM
B – Increase routing overhead on the network
C – Confine network instability to one area of the network
D – Allow extensive control of routing updates

Answer: A C D


Routing overhead is the amount of information needed to describe the changes in a dynamic network topology. All routers in an OSPF area have identical copies of the topology database and the topology database of one area is hidden from the rest of the areas to reduce routing overhead because fewer routing updates are sent and smaller routing trees are computed and maintained (allow extensive control of routing updates and confine network instability to one area of the network).

Question 4:

Which three features are of OSPF routing protocol? (Choose three)

A – Converge quickly
B – OSPF is a classful routing protocol
C – Identify the best route by use of cost
D – Before exchanging routing information, OSPF routers find out neighbors

Answer: A C D

Question 5:

OSPF routing uses the concept of areas. What are the characteristics of OSPF areas? (Chose three)

A – Each OSPF area requires a loopback interface to be configured
B – Areas may be assigned any number from 0 to 65535
C – Area 0 is called the backbone area
D – Hierarchical OSPF networks do not require multiple areas
E – Multiple OSPF areas must connect to area 0
F – Single area OSPF networks must be configured in area 1

Answer: B C E


I used to think the answers should be C D E and here is my explanation:

OSPF can use an active interface for its router ID, so a loopback interface is not a must -> A is incorrect.

OSPF Area is a 32-bit number so we can use up to 232 – 1 = 4294967296 – 1 (since Area 0 is the first area). Remember that only process ID is a 16-bit number and ranges from 1 to 65535 -> B is incorrect.

F is incorrect too because single area OSPF netwoks must be configured in Area 0, which is called the backbone area.

For answer D, it is a bit hard to guess what they want to say about “hierarchical” but we should understand “Hierarchical OSPF networks” as “OSPF networks”. D is correct bercause we can only have one area (area 0 – the backbone area) for our networks.

But TT commented on 01-11-2010:

Especially to note on choice B, D, and E:

Choice B: we all know that The areas can be any number from 0 to 4.2 billion and 1 to 65,535 for the Process ID. As choice B specifies ‘area’ (be aware, it’s not saying ‘process id), there is no reason to say that we cannot assign numbers from 0 to 65535 for area # (it is using ‘may be’, not ‘have to be’ or ‘ought to be’). Hence, we do not worry about assigning ’0′.

Choice E: as Area 0 is the backbone, we all understand that any areas in a OSPF network have to be connected to it. And actually this is implicitly saying that multiple areas form a hierarchical OSPF network, as Area 0 being a root and others being its leaves.

Choice D: when it specifies ‘Hierarchical’, at least 2 areas should be required to form such topology (of course that includes Area 0)

Although Choice B is not an absolutely accurate statement since it not only can be assigned up to 65535, it is still a correct answer. And again, it specifies ‘area’, not ‘process id’, so ’0′ can be included. Finally, it would be meaningless to call OSPF a hierarchical network if no more than one area is present.

Short Question CCNA part 8

81 – Interface 0/0 what does it mean?

Card number / card interface number

82- When written <CR > what does it mean?

Command complete

83- Which command we give if router IOS stucked?

Crl +Shift+F6 and X

84- Which command we give for see routing table?

Show ip route

85 – What does synchronization mean ?

Routers are ready to communication with each other

86- What does routing mean ?

For best path selection

87- What is difference between static and dynamic routing?

In Static route we add others connected network and in dynamic, we advertise our network

88- Which type of routing you did in CCNA?

Traditional Routing

89 – How many parts of Ping?

Tow parts – eco and eco reply

90- When we do default route?

When there is multiple destination and single gateway.

91 – What is difference between routing and routed protocols?

i) Routing use for best path selection

ii) Routed protocol keeps source and destination information.

92- What is difference between IGP and EIGRP?

IGP = use in Autonomous and EIGP = use with multiple autonomous

IGP= Interior gateway routing protocol.

EIGRP= Enhanced Interior Gateway routing protocol

93 – Why we use debug command?

For live view

94 Which command we give for live view of remote site routers ?

Terminal monitor

95- Which protocol used before part of CCNA?


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CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Short Question CCNA Part 7

63 – What we called 64 Bit Mac-address in IPV6?

EUI= Enhanced universal identifier – 16 bits add in IPv6 so it’s called EUI

64 – What is loop back IP in IPV6?

::1 and ping 6

65- Which command we use for ping in IPv6?

Ping6 source IP -s Destination IP

66- How many types of router?

Two types

i) Modular

ii) Non-Modular

67- When we use Router?

For communication between different networks

68- Which works router Do ?

1- Path selection and

2- Packet Switching {frame relay}

69 – What cable called V.35 ?

Serial Connectivity cable

70- How many types of Ethernet?

4 types

i) Ethernet

ii) Fast Ethernet

iii) Gigabit

iv) 10 Giga.

71 – Which cable called roll-over?

Console access able

72- Which cable we connect in DB-9 ?

Roll over calbe

73- How many ways to access router?

3 ways

i) Telnet (IP)

ii) AUX (Telephone)

iii) Console (cable)

74- What is IOS?

Internet Operating system. Its router’s operating system.

75 – In which IOS version 182 people can access router through telenet ?

Onward 12.2 version

76- Which mode called privilege mode?

Second mode

77- When we use interface mode?

For specific interface commands

78- On Which mode we give debug command?

Privilege mode / live view (2nd mode)


79- Which command we give on privilege mode for coming back to user execution mode?


80- Which mode we can’t skip when we come back from interface mode?

2nd mode we can’t skip

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Short Question CCNA IP

161- In stead of wild card mask what u can write after IP?


162- In which Access- list type you can’t do editing?

Standard and Extended

163- In port based Access-List which command u give instead of IP?


164- What does EQ means?


165- Which reserve port Number Talent use?


166- Which reserve port NO HTTP use?


167-How many types of NAT?

i) Static

ii) NAT

iii) Dynamic NAT

iv) PAT (Port Address Translation)

168- What is overlaod?

It’s another name of PAT (Port Address Translation)

170- Which 2 Protocols are in WAN technology?

i) HDLC ( High Level Data Link Control )

ii) PPP (Point to Point Protocol)

171- How many types of ends in WAN?

i) DTE (Data Terminal Equipment

ii) DCE (Data Communication Equipment)


CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Short Question CCNA EIGRP

146- After how long keep alive messages exchange in EIGRP?


147- Which type of updates EIGRP protocol do?


148- What is the draw back of EIGRP protocol?


149- What is the matric of EIGRP protocol?

i) Bandwidth

ii) Load

iii) Delay

iv) Reliability

v) MTU

vi) Maximum Transmission Unit

150- In EIGRP metric parameters which 2 Options are enable by default?

i) Bandwidth

ii) Delay

151- Which protocol can do load balancing on unequal cost also?


152- 1350 value in which type of Access-list?


153- 1900 value in which type of Access list?


154- 2500 value in which type of Access list?


155- What is the difference between named and Extended ACL?

In named Access-list we can edit and also give name

156- When we use standard Access-List?

When there is no Destination

157- When we use extended Access-List?

When there is source and Destination

158- What is the default behavior of Access-List?


159- On which interface we always Apply Access-List?

Fast Ethernet

160- Wild card mask always in odd value or even


CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

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