Interview Question of CCNA Part4
Interview Question of CCNA part 3
Interview Question of CCNA Part 2
Interview Question of CCNA Part 1
CCNA Access List Sim 1

Interview Question of CCNA Part4

31- What is BIA ?

Burn in Address other name is MAC address

32- What is Size of IPv4 MAC Address?
48 Bits

33- Why MAC address called Physical address?
Because it’s not changeable

34- Who controls MAC address uniqueness and how
IEEE (Institute of Electrical Electronics and Engineering) Controls its uniqueness.
They divide 48 bits MAC address in two parts. First 24 bits part called OUI (Organizational unique identifier) and other 24 bits are device code.

35- How we can see MAC address from DOS Prompt?

36- Why IP address called logical address?
Private IP called logical address because they are change able.

37- What is the size of IPV4?
32 bits
38-What is Syntax of IPV4

39- How many types of IPS?
Three Types of IP
1- Public
2- Private
3- Special IP

40- What are the ranges of private IPS?
A Class = –
B Class = –
C Class = – through (APIPA only)

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Interview Question of CCNA part 3

21- What is OSI?

Open System Interconnection. t was first name of 7 Layer

22- What is the default size of Frame ?
1518 bytes

23- Which layer are called upper layer?
a )
Application Layer    – 7
b) Presentation Layer   – 6
c ) Session Layer            – 5

24- How many reserve ports ?
0 – 1023

25- Which decision called socket base?
IP plus port (IP on layer 3 and port on Layer 4 – In Encapsulation, socket base decision on Network Layer -Layer 3)

26- How many types of Data?
Voice, video, text

27 What is segmentation and fragmentation?

To divide data in pieces is called segmentation and divide segmentation in pieces called Fragmentation.

28- Which layer called error detection layer ?
Data link layer

29- What is FCS?
Frame Check Sequence –
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) algorithm runs in switch that called FCS (Frame Check Sequence)

30- What is Encapsulation and De-encapsulation?
To send data called encapsulation and receive data called De-encapsulation.

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Interview Question of CCNA Part 2

11- What is the difference between bus topology and HUB?

Hub is Centralized device ( series ) .Bus topology is Decentralized device (in parallel)

12- Is hub intelligent device?
No; because it not use header

12- Which protocol switch use for filling its MAC-Table ?
ARP – Address Resolution Protocol

13- What is CAM ?
Content Address Memory. its another name of MAC address table.

14- Which type for communication switch do?
In case of any new event switch do broadcast, after that always do Unicast.

15- If line down and protocol also down; in this case which layer move problem?
Physical Layer – Layer 1

16 – If line up, but protocol down which layer should be troubleshot?
Data link problem – Layer 2

17-On which base switches take decisions?
Mac Address

18- How ARP brings MAC address for switch?
Through Broadcast

19- How many collision domains are in switch?
Equal number of ports

20- How many broadcast domains are in Switch ?

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Interview Question of CCNA Part 1

1- Define Network?

Communication, Resource sharing and Media (When multiple host share their resources with each other OR when multiple devices connect with each other for resource sharing )

2 – Types of communication in IPv4?
Unicast, Multicast and Broad cast

3 – Types of communication in IPv6 ?
Unicast, Multicast and Anycast

4- Types of Resource Sharing?
Intranet , Extranet and Internet .

5- What is Collision?
When signal hits each other, collision accord.

6- Which Type of Transmission Bus Topology Support?
Half Duplex

7- What is the difference between half duplex and full duplex?
In half duplex, sender should b one. In full duplex, sender can be multiple.

8- Which way of communication bus topology use?

9- If there is only 2 Host in Bus Topology is that possible collision accord?
Yes, because end terminal will not absorb signals. Signal will be bounce back and collision will accord.

10- HUB in Star topology or Bus Topology?
In star topology, but logically works like a bus topology.

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

CCNA Access List Sim 1


A network associate is adding security to the configuration of the Corp1 router. The user on host C should be able to use a web browser to access financial information from the Finance Web Server. No other hosts from the LAN nor the Core should be able to use a web browser to access this server. Since there are multiple resources for the corporation at this location including other resources on the Finance Web Server, all other traffic should be allowed.

The task is to create and apply an access-list with no more than three statements that will allow ONLY host C web access to the Finance Web Server. No other hosts will have web access to the Finance Web Server. All other traffic is permitted.
Access to the router CLI can be gained by clicking on the appropriate host.

All passwords have been temporarily set to “cisco”.
The Core connection uses an IP address of
The computers in the Hosts LAN have been assigned addresses of –
Host A
Host B
Host C
Host D
The servers in the Server LAN have been assigned addresses of –
The Finance Web Server is assigned an IP address of

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