Tag - IPv6

Short Question CCNA Part 7
CCNA Interview Questions
Interview Question of CCNA Part 6
Interview Question of CCNA Part4
Interview Question of CCNA Part 1

Short Question CCNA Part 7

63 – What we called 64 Bit Mac-address in IPV6?

EUI= Enhanced universal identifier – 16 bits add in IPv6 so it’s called EUI

64 – What is loop back IP in IPV6?

::1 and ping 6

65- Which command we use for ping in IPv6?

Ping6 source IP -s Destination IP

66- How many types of router?

Two types

i) Modular

ii) Non-Modular

67- When we use Router?

For communication between different networks

68- Which works router Do ?

1- Path selection and

2- Packet Switching {frame relay}

69 – What cable called V.35 ?

Serial Connectivity cable

70- How many types of Ethernet?

4 types

i) Ethernet

ii) Fast Ethernet

iii) Gigabit

iv) 10 Giga.

71 – Which cable called roll-over?

Console access able

72- Which cable we connect in DB-9 ?

Roll over calbe

73- How many ways to access router?

3 ways

i) Telnet (IP)

ii) AUX (Telephone)

iii) Console (cable)

74- What is IOS?

Internet Operating system. Its router’s operating system.

75 – In which IOS version 182 people can access router through telenet ?

Onward 12.2 version

76- Which mode called privilege mode?

Second mode

77- When we use interface mode?

For specific interface commands

78- On Which mode we give debug command?

Privilege mode / live view (2nd mode)


79- Which command we give on privilege mode for coming back to user execution mode?


80- Which mode we can’t skip when we come back from interface mode?

2nd mode we can’t skip

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

CCNA Interview Questions

After Review CCNA course we Conclude some short Questions with Answers

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Interview Question of CCNA Part 6

51- What is the subnetmask of / 27 in network based and host based ?

In network based 224 { 128+64+32}and in host based 248 (128+64+64+16+8)

52- What will be the prefix length of 224 in VLSM ?
27 (carry 3 bits from host (128+64+16=224) and add in network ports (24+3=27) )

53-How many valid IP will b in /21 in route Summarization?


54- In which protocol you manually enable route summarization ?

55 – In which protocol supenetting is enable by default?


56- What is MAC address size of IPv6?

64 bits

57 – Default Packet Size of IPv6?
8 Bytes = 16*8 =128 bit

58- How many fillers we can put in one IP of IPv6?
ONE (:: called filler)

59- Which mathematically form used inIPv6?

60- What is quality of IPv6?

a)    Router processing will rapid because field size wills 8 bytes (but in IPv4 it was 12 byres)

b) No Fragmentation

c) No Checksum

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Interview Question of CCNA Part4

31- What is BIA ?

Burn in Address other name is MAC address

32- What is Size of IPv4 MAC Address?
48 Bits

33- Why MAC address called Physical address?
Because it’s not changeable

34- Who controls MAC address uniqueness and how
IEEE (Institute of Electrical Electronics and Engineering) Controls its uniqueness.
They divide 48 bits MAC address in two parts. First 24 bits part called OUI (Organizational unique identifier) and other 24 bits are device code.

35- How we can see MAC address from DOS Prompt?

36- Why IP address called logical address?
Private IP called logical address because they are change able.

37- What is the size of IPV4?
32 bits
38-What is Syntax of IPV4

39- How many types of IPS?
Three Types of IP
1- Public
2- Private
3- Special IP

40- What are the ranges of private IPS?
A Class = –
B Class = –
C Class = – through (APIPA only)

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

Interview Question of CCNA Part 1

1- Define Network?

Communication, Resource sharing and Media (When multiple host share their resources with each other OR when multiple devices connect with each other for resource sharing )

2 – Types of communication in IPv4?
Unicast, Multicast and Broad cast

3 – Types of communication in IPv6 ?
Unicast, Multicast and Anycast

4- Types of Resource Sharing?
Intranet , Extranet and Internet .

5- What is Collision?
When signal hits each other, collision accord.

6- Which Type of Transmission Bus Topology Support?
Half Duplex

7- What is the difference between half duplex and full duplex?
In half duplex, sender should b one. In full duplex, sender can be multiple.

8- Which way of communication bus topology use?

9- If there is only 2 Host in Bus Topology is that possible collision accord?
Yes, because end terminal will not absorb signals. Signal will be bounce back and collision will accord.

10- HUB in Star topology or Bus Topology?
In star topology, but logically works like a bus topology.

CCNA Interview Question Part 1

CCNA Interview Question Part 2

CCNA Interview Question Part 3

CCNA Interview Question Part 4

CCNA Interview Question Part 5

CCNA Interview Question Part 6

CCNA Interview Question Part 7

CCNA Interview Question Part 8

CCNA Interview Question Part 9

CCNA Interview Question Part 10

CCNA Interview Question Part 11

CCNA Interview Question Part 12

CCNA Interview Question Part 13

CCNA Interview Question Part 14

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